Beauty Series: Daily Routine. Part 3.

I hope by now you’ve decided to start cleaning your face, applying a nutrient rich serum and moisturizer daily, if you weren’t doing it before that is. Our skin is not just a very important part of what makes us beautiful, but it’s also out largest organ, so we should always take care of it properly.

Now for the third part of this beauty series, comes an optional step (if you’re lucky!)… zit control. Unfortunately, I am not one of those lucky girls who gets to leave acne behind along with their teenage years. I actually, for the most part, had great skin in high school, granted I’ve been taking great care of my skin since I was 11!  However some time around 18 years old, I began slacking a bit in the skincare department, and I started breaking out. I tried to get it under control once the problem started, but nothing seemed to really work by then, in fact it got progressively worse. By my early 20’s, I was ready to try the most intense treatment my dermatologist could prescribe, and I did.  It worked great, and I hadn’t  had much trouble with acne again, other than the occasional zit… until now.

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