Beauty Series: Daily Routine. Part 4.

As the final step in my morning beauty routine comes an extremely important one: sun protection!! I am so big on this, I usually go off to my friends, or anyone for that matter, about it at the slightest chance. WEAR SUNBLOCK EVERY SINGLE DAY PEOPLE, I cannot say it emphatically enough.

We’ve all heard about all the damage sun exposure can cause, and most of us are pretty good about being careful of it when we are at the beach or exposed for any prolonged amount of time, but most of the damage happens on your day to day life, while on your way to work or running errands… even if it’s cloudy or rainy! The sun is always there, even if  the weather is not hot or you can’t see it, the damaging UV rays are always getting through. On top of that, many active ingredients in the skincare products we use (and you might be using right now) require that you protect against these rays because they can cause a reaction when expose to them, a reaction as in sun spots and discoloration, yikes!

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